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Hello! Thank you for visiting my site.

 I would like to share a little bit about myself. I was born and raised in Puerto Rico. My mother was also born and raised in PR, my Father was born in the Dominic Republic, and raised in New York City, then moved to PR in his adulthood, where he meet my mother.  

I knew from an early age that I wanted a career that involves drawing. I started drawing when I was about five; my first drawing was of the cartoon show The Simpsons.  It was quite horrible to be honest, I wish I had a picture of it, but I don't, sadly, I lost it in a flood.


My favorite part of school always has been  doing projects! Surprising right? That was the only way I could express my creativity while growing up, thinking back on it, it actually makes sense that I ended up here, in a Fashion Design class.


 In addition to fashion, I been part of others programs and clubs like Photography Club, Art Club, English Club and have taken more than five different art classes over the years in middle school and high school.  These classes and programs have allowed me to express my creativity and ideas that flow out of my head every second of the day.


Within pages you will find a collection of my work.



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