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My First Time Sewing

I remember this like it was yesterday, I was scared, and very nervous, I didn't really know what I was doing, all this was new to me. I like challenges, so I was ready to take this one head on, and I did, I really loved it, the feeling I was getting while making something, something someone could wear, even if that someone was a Barbie Doll was amazing. For the first garment that I made, I tried to make something simple, as simple as possible, I mean sewing something together for the first time was difficult enough already. At first I wasn't that good, I guess I have a shaky hand? is not as easy as you think to make a straight stitch, it takes much practice before getting better. I'm much better now, but I'm not a pro yet, sadly!. Here will see a picture of my first garment. Its very exciting if you ask me, it's incredible how you can imagine something today, and then have it in your hands the next day. That's what I like about Art, because you can think of something and go ahead and create it, and Fashion being a form of art, that's one of the reasons I took interest in it.


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