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Final Project

This project is about social issues, it is called “Body Image and Eating disorders”, the main topic is “Don’t fit the dress, make the dress fit you”, I tried to think of a setting where body image has a major impact on one’s life, or if it can be an acceptable thing. I tried to incorporate a body image the in prom theme. Prom is a very important event, where in many occasions students starve themselves for weeks or months in order to have a slim figure or to look a certain way on that special day. In some of my drawings, you can see the over the top makeup and skin tanning, in some others the extreme anorexic look on them. The cotton balls and orange juice floating around represent some of the extreme actions that some individuals do, to feel full and not eat. I’m a student in Fashion Merchandise & design, my goal was to create a portrait, where body image and an eating disorder is the main focus using fashion as well. I incorporated fashion creating the red curtains and floor with fabrics and using skills that I have learned to design/create every single look and incorporate it back to the social issue that's shown on my artwork.

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